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School Book Collection

Dear Parents,

Under Department of Education and Skills guidelines school books may now be collected from schools and the journey to do so is regarded as essential travel.

Therefore, we will open Killeshin N.S. on Thursday 21st May to allow parents to collect their children’s books.

  • This will be done according to the timetable below. Please only come to the school at your allocated time. Times are allocated according to the first letter in your child’s surname.

  • If you have more than one child please come at the time allocated for your eldest child and you can collect the other child’s books when you are there.

  • A one way system will be in place throughout the building. We will ask people to queue up at the front door of the building and to exit through the side doors.

  • Please observe social distancing at all times. Please be patient as only a limited number of people will be permitted into the building at any one time.

  • Only one adult to collect books per family. No children please.

  • Please bring a bag for the books.

  • Please sterilise your hands before you enter the building. Hand sanitiser will be available at the school.

  • Please bring a stamped addressed envelope to facilitate your child’s end of year report being sent out in June.

Please note: The letters below refer to your child's surname.

For example - Ms Spruhan's class: Children whose surname begins with a letter from A-D should come to the school at 9.30 am

Ms Spruhan

A-D 9:30-9:45

E-L 9:45-10:00

M-Z 10:00-10:15

Mr Hanley

A-D 2:00-2:15

E-N 2:15-2:30

O-Z 2:30-2:45

Ms O’Neill

A-F 10:15-10:30

G-R 10:30-10:45

S-Z 10:45-11:00

Ms Denieffe

A-D 11:45-12:00

E-M 12:00-12:15

N-Z 12:15-12:30

Ms O’Hara

(books in PE hall not classroom)

A-D 2:00-2:15

E- L 2:15-2:30

M-Z 2:30-2:45

Ms Kelly

A-F 11:00-11:15

G-M 11:15-11:30

N-Z 11:30-11:45

Mrs Byrne

A-F 1:15-1:30

G-M 1:30-1:45

N-Z 1:45-2:00

Ms Shiels

A-G 12:30-12:45

H-M 12:45-1:00

N-Z 1:00-1:15

Ms Keating

A-D 11:45-12:00

E-K 12:00-12:15

L-Z 12:15-12:30

Ms Keane (books in PE hall not classroom)

A-D 2:45-3:00

E-M 3:00-3:15

N-Z 3:15-3:30

Ms Fitzpatrick (4th class)

A-C 9:30-9:45

D-K 9:45-10:00

L-Z 10:00-10:15

Ms Smith

A-D 10:15-10:30

E-Q 10:30-10:45

R-Z 10:45-11:00

Ms Fitzpatrick (5th class)

A-G 10:45-11:00

H-M 12:45-1:00

N-Z 1:00-1:15

Mrs Mannion

A-D 1:15-1:30

E-L 1:30-1:45

M-Z 1:45-2:00

Mrs McGuill

A-D 11:00-11:15

E-L 11:15-11:30

M-Z 11:30-11:45

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1 Comment

May 18, 2020

Hi, I can’t collect for Freya and Ben Leathem at time allocated with Mrs McGuill, can I collect at time allocated with Ms Keating(12.15-12.30)? Irla

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