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September Newsletter


A special welcome back to all our pupils and parents for the 2022/2023 school year. Welcome also to all our new pupils and their families. We welcome back Ms. Dowling and Mrs Kinsella.  


UniformsThe school uniform should be worn everyday to school unless it is a PE Day.

PE tracksuit should only be worn on PE days. We would ask for parents' co-operation in ensuring pupils comply with this school rule.

Aladdin Due to updates to Aladdin software during the summer, families may not be receiving notifications about news or messages from staff. To ensure you don't miss out please log out, log in again and make sure you don't have any outstanding updates in your App Store.


Photocopying Money

As in previous years we are asking parents/guardians for a contribution towards the cost of photocopying we use during the school year. It would be much appreciated if parents/guardians could send this money in an envelope with your child/children’s name and class(es) on the outside to school with your child. The envelope can be given to the class teacher. The contribution is €25 per child or €40 per family if you have two or more children in the school.



The Compulsory Insurance Scheme for all pupils will operate again this year. The cost this year is €8 per pupil. The insurance provides cover on a 24 hour basis for most medical/dental bills incurred if your child has an accident en-route to school, in school, at any school related activity or at home. Parents are asked to pay the €8 per child to the school office as soon as possible but no later than Friday 16th  September.  Please note that the school has introduced it with the intention of covering the costs for families of any accident that might occur. It can be paid in the same way as the photocopying money- send it in an envelope with the child's name and class on the outside.


Junior Infant School Day

Our Junior Infants have made a great start to primary school and we thank all parents and guardians for their co-operation with this. We would ask that from Thursday 8th  September Junior Infants should be encouraged to walk from the steps down into the yard themselves and teachers will be waiting at the door to meet them.

Junior Infants finish at 12.30 pm up to and including Friday 16th September.  

As and from Monday 19th  September Junior Infants school day will finish at 2pm.


Note Regarding Absences

A note explaining all absences must be sent to your child’s class teacher, either in advance of the absence or on the child’s return to school.  This can be done through  Aladdin or by sending a written note. Similarly if you or anyone else is collecting your child from the school early for any reason (dentist/doctor etc.) please inform the class teacher in advance if at all possible. Please call the school 059-9147852 when you are outside and we will bring the child/children out to you.



Parents are reminded that under the Welfare (Education) Act  we are required to submit details of all pupils who miss 20 or more school days in a school year to the Education Welfare Service (TUSLA). We will notify parents/guardians by text through Aladdin when a child has missed 15 days and again when 20 school days have been missed.


School Closings

A list of school closings for the school year 2022/2023 is available on the school website at 


National Ploughing Championships- Late Opening

An Garda Siochana have advised that the National Ploughing Championships which take place in Ratheniska on 20th, 21st and 22nd September will bring a significent increase in traffic in the vacinity of the school which impacts on the safety of children, parents and staff . For this reason school will begin at 11.20am on those three days. Doors will be open and pupils can go to their classrooms from 11am.


Meeting Teachers

We would remind parents wishing to contact teachers, to discuss queries or issues that arise, that they consider using the phone (059-9147852) or email. All of the teachers' email addresses are available on the  school website. If a face to face meeting is essential please make an appointment and we will be happy to meet you.


Responsibility : Parents and Guardians are asked to note that the Board of Management and staff can accept no responsibility for pupils outside of school hours from their arrival in the school building after 9am to 2pm for infant class pupils and 3pm for all other pupils.


Dance Lessons

Claudia Dargan School of Dance resumes lessons in Killeshin Community Hall every Tuesday at 3pm beginning 4th October. Pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class welcome.


Appeal for Construction Sets 

If anyone has any construction sets such as Lego, K’nex, Meccano or any other complete construction sets which they no longer require we would be most grateful if you could donate them to the school. Thanks.

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