Dear Parents,
We look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Monday 12th April.
The questionnaire below must be completed by parents or guardians in advance of their child/children returning to school.
For parents/guardians with more than one child returning on Monday, you must fill it out for each child individually. We ask that the answers provided are accurate for the safety and well-being of all children and staff in our school.
Click on the following link to access the questionnaire:
To facilitate a staggered closing time classes (other than infants) will alternate between leaving at 2:50 and 3pm. This will alternate every week. From Monday 12th April to Friday 16th April inclusive the following classes will leave at 2:50pm: Ms Kelly, Ms Shiels, Ms Cooney, Ms Keating and Ms Fitzpatrick (5th). All other classes will leave at 3pm. The following week (19th April – 23rd April) the classes will alternate and leave at the opposite time.
We would like to remind parents that;
Children MUST NOT attend school with ANY cold or flu symptoms.
Please take your child’s temperature and wash their hands before school each morning.
Please let us know if your contact details or emergency contact details have to be updated.
Parents should not park but simply drop children off and go.
Parents should not come down to the yard.
We ask parents to remain in their cars, away from the school entrance when collecting children at the end of the day to allow children to leave the school safely and quickly.
Parents are not permitted to enter the school building unless arranged by prior appointment. You can contact teachers through their school email address which have been provided or by ringing the school.
If a child has to be picked up early during the school day to attend an appointment, we ask parents to ring the school when they are parked outside. We will walk out with your child to your car. Please do not enter the school building. Similarly, if your child is returning from an appointment during the day please ring the school and we will meet you outside (059-9147852).
Thank you for your support and understanding as we work together to ensure the safety of all our school community.
Conor Denieffe,