A special welcome back to all our pupils and parents for the 2020/2021 school year. Welcome also to all our new pupils and their families. It is great to be back after such a long closure. Sincere thanks to all the parents and pupils for their cooperation with our Covid-19 safety measures which help to keep everyone safe. Thanks to everyone these measures are working very well. While there are many changes, the essential work of the school teaching and learning in a happy and Christian environment continues as always.
Photocopying Money
As in previous years we are asking parents for a contribution towards the cost of photocopying we use during the school year. It would be much appreciated if parents could send this money in an envelope with your child/children’s name and class(es) on the outside to school with your child. The envelope can be given to the class teacher. The contribution is €20 per child or €30 per family if you have two or more children in the school.
The Compulsory Insurance Scheme for all pupils will operate again this year. The cost this year is €8 per pupil. The insurance provides cover on a 24hour basis for most medical/dental bills incurred if your child has an accident en-route to school, in school, at any school related activity or at home. Parents are asked to pay the €8 per child to the school office as soon as possible but no later than Friday 11th September. Please note that the school has introduced it with the intention of covering the costs for families of any accident that might occur. It can be paid in the same way as the photocopying money- send it in an envelope with the child's name and class on the outside.
Junior Infant School Day
Junior Infants school day will start at 9.30am on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September and parents can bring them into the yard on those days.
From Thursday 3rd September Junior Infants should walk into the yard themselves and teachers will be waiting to meet them.
Junior Infants finish at 12.30 pm up to and including Friday 11th September.
As and from Monday 14th September Junior Infants school day will finish at 2pm.
Note Regarding Absences
A note explaining all absences must be sent to your child’s class teacher, either in advance of the absence or on the child’s return to school. Similarly, if you or anyone else is collecting your child from the school early for any reason (dentist/doctor etc.) please send a note informing the class teacher in advance if at all possible. Please call the school 059-9147852 when you are outside and we will bring the child/children out to you.
Parents are reminded that under the Welfare (Education) Act we are required to submit details of all pupils who miss 20 or more school days in a school year to the Education Welfare Service (TÚSLA).
School Closings
A list of school closings for the school year 2020/2021 is included below. Please keep this carefully as a reference point for the year. It can also be accessed by clicking the 'Calendar' tab on the website menu bar or by clicking on the following link: https://www.killeshinns.ie/calendar
Meeting Teachers
We would remind parents wishing to contact teachers, to discuss queries or issues that arise, that they consider using the phone (059-9147852) or email. All of the teachers' email addresses are available on the school website. If a face to face meeting is essential please make an appointment and we will be happy to meet you.
Parents and Guardians are asked to note that the Board of Management and staff can accept no responsibility for pupils outside of school hours (Currently from their arrival in the school building after 9am to 2pm for infant class pupils and 3pm for all other pupils).
