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  • SchoolAdmin

Wellbeing Week

Next week is our 'Wellbeing Week', organised by our Amber Flag Committee. This is kicking off on Tuesday when all our classes will go for a mindful walk. For our Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st & 2nd Classes this will be followed by a Teddy Bear's Picnic. 5th and 6th Class will be heading up to the Waterworks. Later in the week we have yoga sessions and an 'Active Day' for all classes.

There was a new arrival on our school yard today, a Buddy Bench. This has been painted by a number of students but a special mention has to go to 6th class students, Isobel Curtis and Mia Scully. Isobel and Mia are responsible for the beautiful design on the bench and spent hours drawing, painting and varnishing! It really brightens up our playground. The bench aims to promote positive friendships and support children who may be feeling lonely. A big thank you also to Ms Dempsey who generously donated the bench to our school.

Well done to Mrs Smith, Ms Dempsey and the Amber Flag committee for all their hard work this year and for making Killeshin an even more positive place.

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